Use Bovilis BVD for 12 months of proven fetal protection*. The longest coverage available.

Use Bovilis BVD for 12 months of proven fetal protection*. The longest coverage available.

The convenience of the longest coverage available along with flexible dosing intervals means you can protect this seasons’ calves no matter when they are conceived by vaccinating with Bovilis BVD.

BVD (Bovine Viral Diarrhoea) is a viral disease of cattle which is wide-spread in New Zealand.

BVD can cause pregnancy loss, diarrhoea, milk drop, and reduced growth rates. It also suppresses the immune system, making animals more susceptible to other diseases, such as pneumonia and salmonella.

*Following a third dose Bovilis BVD provides 12 months fetal protection

Bovilis BVD

The key to BVD control is protecting the fetus to prevent PI calves being formed.

What is BVD

Test for and control BVD

Biosecurity for BVD

Bovilis BVD brochure

Approximately 1 in 20 farms has a BVD incursion each year1.

BVD reduces fertility, milk production and growth rate and costs New Zealand approximately $150 million annually2.



Per mixed-age cow
Per year


For a 150-cow farm over
5 years

The largest cost is lost fattening stock



Per mixed-age cow
Per year


For a 400-cow farm over
5 years

The largest cost is lost milk

65% of dairy herds screen bulk milk annually for BVD

40.6% of bulk milk samples showed the herd had recent or ongoing exposure to BVD (s:p > 0.75)1

Ask your vet about vaccinating with Bovilis BVD.

Bovilis BVD is the only BVD vaccine with a 12 month fetal protection claim*

*Bovilis BVD provides 6 months fetal protection following the initial vaccination series (sensitiser and booster), and 12 months fetal protection following a third dose.

In addition, you gain 12 months duration of immunity for transient infection, so vaccinated cows are also protected3.

Bovilis BVD has a flexible primary dosing interval of 4 weeks to 6 months between the initial sensitiser and booster shots. This extended vaccination interval allows farmers the convenience of aligning your vaccination schedule with other planned management practices.

For more information on BVD in cattle and other related animal health areas, visit

Bovilis BVD is made for the predominant subtype in NZ4

Bovilis BVD is made with strain C86, a Type 1a BVD virus which is the predominant subtype in NZ4

Bovilis BVD offers safety and convenience

No drop in milk production

New Zealand dairy herds are vaccinated when milk production is near its peak, so it’s important that a vaccine has no effect on milk production. A field study has demonstrated no observable difference between vaccinated and control animals following vaccination, and no effect on average milk yields8.

Improves reproduction in herds with active infection9

Bovilis BVD is formulated for safety in pregnant cows

In breeding cattle it is good practice to administer the booster vaccination no less than, but close to 4 weeks before the planned start of mating to ensure fetal protection in early gestation. Bovilis BVD is safe for use in pregnant cows which provides confidence in situations when there is an extended mating period. If any cattle are pregnant at the time of vaccination there will be no adverse effects for the cow or her unborn calf.

When, how?

  • 2mL dose by IM (intramuscular) or SC (subcutaneous) injection
  • 14 day broach claim (unused vaccine must be discarded within 2 weeks of opening)
  • Flexible primary dosing interval of 4 weeks to 6 months between the initial sensitiser and booster shots
  • Administer booster vaccination no less than but close to 4 weeks before the start of mating to ensure fetal protection in early gestation
  • Safe for use in pregnant cattle and has no adverse effect on milk production
  • Nil withhold
  • Available in 20mL (10 dose), 50mL (25 dose) & 100mL (50 dose) pack sizes with draw-off tube
Bovilis BVD


  1. MC Gates, JH Han, CA Evans, JF Weston & C Heuer (2019). Assessing the use of diagnostic laboratory accession data to support national bovine viral diarrhoea control in New Zealand. New Zealand Veterinary Journal.
  2. Han, JH et al (2020). Modelling the economics of bovine viral diarrhoea virus control in pastoral dairy and beef cattle herds. Preventive Veterinary Medicine 182. 105092
  3. Munoz Bielsa, J. et al. Evaluation of the level of protection afforded by a BVD inactivated vaccine (C-86 strain), 12 months after vaccination. Journees Nationales des GTV, Nantes, 2005, 903
  4. Horner GW et al. (2000) Typing of New Zealand strains of pestivirus. Surveillance
  5. Mahony et al. (2005) Genetic analysis of bovine viral diarrhoea viruses from Australia. Veterinary Microbiology 106
  6. Patel, J.R. et al. (2005) Variation in immunogenicity of ruminant pestiviruses as determined by the neutralisation assay, The Veterinary Journal, Vol 169, 468-472.
  7. Makoschey, B et al. (2001) An inactivated bovine viral diarrhoea virus (BVDV) type 1 vaccine affords clinical protection against BVD type 2.
  8. MSD Data on file
  9. Mawhinney, I., (2005) Vaccination with Bovilis BVD-MD improves fertility in dairy herds under field conditions. Tierärztliche Umschau 60(9):501-502

Health risks & diseases

BVD (Bovine Viral Diarrhoea) is a viral disease of cattle which is wide-spread in New Zealand. Affecting both dairy and beef herds, it is estimated that about half of herds are “actively-infected” with BVD at any given time1 and the cost of BVD to the New Zealand cattle industry is around $150 million a year.2

BVD causes pregnancy loss, diarrhoea, milk drop, and reduced growth rates. It also suppresses the immune system, making animals more susceptible to other diseases, such as pneumonia and salmonella.

Research in New Zealand and overseas shows that it pays to control BVD; it is always more cost-effective to do something than to do nothing3. Moreover, a well-executed BVD control plan will help you achieve other farm goals, like improving animal welfare, reducing antibiotic usage, and improving reproductive performance.

BVD is spread by “persistently-infected” or “PI” cattle.  The key to BVD control is therefore to find and eliminate PIs from within your herd, then protect your herd from contact with outside PIs.   This can be accomplished by: monitoring the herd, testing individual animals, improving biosecurity, and strategically vaccinating ‘at-risk’ cattle. 

For more information about BVD, including how to test for and control BVD click here

For more information visit

1 Han, JH et al. (2018). Using Bayesian network modelling to untangle farm management risk factors for bovine viral diarrhoea virus infection. Preventive Veterinary Medicine. 161:75-82.
2 The BVD Management Toolkit. BVD Steering Committee
3 Weir, A. (2016). Epidemiology of BVD in New Zealand dairy herds. Massey University PhD thesis dissertation

For information about prevention with Bovilis® BVD vaccine click here

Neonatal diarrhoea is arguably one of the most common diseases of newborn calves worldwide. The consequences on animal welfare and those managing the calves can be devastating. The cost of mortality, poor growth and performance as well as treatment costs, all need to be considered. The infectious agents that cause neonatal calf diarrhoea are prevalent in New Zealand. In a recent survey 96% of farms in New Zealand had pathogens that can cause calf scours detected1.

For more information about calf scours and calf health in general click here

For information about prevention with Rotavec® Corona vaccine click here

Salmonella is a bacteria spread by healthy carrier animals via their intestinal tract. Cattle may not show signs of disease but shed bacteria (usually intermittently at low levels) via their faeces. Abortive material can also be infective, spreading bacteria to other animals. These bacteria go on to infect other animals. Carrier animals can shed Salmonella for months or even years.

For more information about Salmonella click here

For information about prevention with Salvexin®+B vaccine click here

Bovilis is a leading brand for preventative animal health. Cattle farmers all over the world choose to protect their livestock from BVD, leptospirosis, pinkeye and calf scours with Bovilis vaccinations. By using Bovilis for prevention, farmers can protect their herd from production losses and disease.