Rotavec Corona®
As an experienced veterinarian, it was demoralising for Mara Elton Fletcher to watch a severe rotavirus scours outbreak unfold on her own dairy farm.
Mara and her husband, Hayden, milk 930 cows in Culverden, North Canterbury, and despite having top-quality colostrum management and hygiene practices in place, their herd was hit hard with a rotavirus outbreak, prompting them to vaccinate the entire herd last year with Rotavec Corona.
The Fletcher’s back Rotavec Corona to prevent rotavirus scours outbreak – Read their story

1 shot

Cows + Heifers

3 – 12 Weeks Pre Calving

Rotavec® Corona
Increases antibodies in colostrum and milk
Calves are born without antibodies to fight infection. They rely completely on high-quality colostrum for protection against scours-causing pathogens.
It is critical that calves receive enough of the right antibodies in colostrum, and then in transition milk, to reduce their risk of scours.
Rotavec Corona significantly elevates neutralising antibodies in colostrum and milk for at least 28 days post-calving. 1
Boosts levels of both G6 and G10 antibodies
Cows vaccinated with a single serotype produce antibodies to all serotypes to which they have had prior exposure. This response has been demonstrated by numerous researchers. 2,3,4
Reduced environmental contamination
Faeces from calves fed colostrum from Rotavec Corona vaccinated cows contain less virus. This results in reduced environmental contamination and less likelihood of virus spread to uninfected calves. 5
Save you and your calves the pain and ask your vet about
Rotavec Corona – your proven scours solution.

User Guide
- 2mL dose by IM (intramuscular) or SC (subcutaneous) injection
- 42 day broach claim (unused vaccine must be discarded within 6 weeks of opening)
- A single injection should be given during each pregnancy between 12 and 3 weeks before calving is expected
- Calves must receive adequate colostrum from their dams to maximise antibodies transferred for protection
- Nil withhold
- Available in 40mL (20 dose) & 100mL (50 dose) pack sizes
Resource Centre
- Crouch CF, Oliver SP, Francis MJ. (2001). Serological, colostral and milk responses of cows vaccinated with a single dose of a combined vaccine against rotavirus, coronavirus and Escherichia coli F5 (K99). Vet Record; 149:105–8.
- Snodgrass DR, Fitzgerald TA, Campbell I, Browning GF. Homotypic and Heterotypic Serological Responses to Rotavirus Neutralization Epitopes in Immunologically Naive and Experienced Animals. 1991;29:2668–72.
- Brussow H, Walther I, Fryder V, Sidoti J, Bruttin A. Cross-neutralizing antibodies induced by single serotype vaccination of cows with rotavirus. Journal of General Virology 1988;1005:1647–58.
- Green KY, Taniguchi K, Mackow ER, Kapikian AZ. Homotypic and heterotypic epitope-specific antibody responses in adult and infant rotavirus vaccines: implications for vaccine development. Journal Infectious Diseases 1990;161.
- MSD Data on file.
- Find more useful information at https://www.topfarmers.co.nz/ including on Calf Health and how to Identify and Treat Scours.